Texas 4-H youth selected to represent state at National 4-H Conference
Conference will be April 11-16 in Washington, D.C.
COLLEGE STATION – The Texas 4-H Youth Development Program of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, headquartered in College Station, has chosen 18 youth delegates to attend the National 4-H Conference April 11-16 in Washington, D.C.
The event will be at the National 4-H Youth Conference Center on the campus of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture.
According to Texas 4-H administrators, the National 4-H Conference is the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture’s premier youth development opportunity and is focused on civic engagement, civic education and personal development.

“The main goal of the conference is to engage youth in discussing and making recommendations for 4-H youth development,” said Dr. Chris Boleman, state director for the Texas 4-H Youth Development Program, College Station. “It’s a working conference in which youth and adults, at the invitation of the Secretary of Agriculture, provide input to help guide 4-H Youth Development programs nationally and in their respective communities.”
He said the conference brings together youth, volunteer leaders, and state and county Extension staff members from across the U.S, U.S.territories and Canada. National 4-H headquarters shares conference recommendations with the Secretary of Agriculture, national Extension program leaders and other decision-makers directing 4-H programs.
Texas 4-H youth delegates to this year’s national conference and their respective counties are: Hattie Bezner, Dallam; Laurel Fitzgerald, Kerr; Ethan and Myrah Geter, Hamilton; Jordan Hale, Cooke; Karson Hood, Jack; Faith Massingill, Hamilton; Ari Montemayor, Webb; Sabrina Nentwich, Kerr; Kirby Nixon, Floyd; Kimberly Phelan, Comal; Harley Rogers, Hamilton; Kaitlyn Smith, Comal; Rose Spangler, Collin; Morgan Thomas, Willacy; Dylan Tucker, Collin; and Merah Winters and Willard Wood, Bell.
Additionally, 4-H member Mitchell Moczygemba of Guadalupe County was selected to serve on the Youth Leadership Team.
AgriLife Extension agents Wade Howard of Eastland County, Dr. Tamra McGaughy of Dallas County and Xiomara Diaz-Vargas of Harris County will accompany the group, which will be overseen by 4-H AgriLife Extension 4-H youth development specialist Dr. Darlene Locke, College Station.
“National 4-H Conference participants will have the opportunity to increase the knowledge, resources and skills that will enable them to make a positive, meaningful impact on their community and beyond,” Locke said.
She said determining Texas 4-H youth representatives was accomplished by selecting a round table topic in which delegates identify and develop their perspective on the topic through research and deliberation.
“By listening and contributing to the round table discussion, they find and share their own voice in the discussions,” Locke said.
Following the round table discussions, the 4-H members make recommendations and provide a “briefing” to federal agencies outlining background information, facts and the group recommendations.
While participating in the conference, 4-H members will visit with their legislators on Capitol Hill Day to represent youth from their state and discuss state 4-H programs with congressional members and staff.
“When all the work is done, the delegates will also have the opportunity to visit several national monuments and landmarks,” Locke said. “The National 4-H Youth Conference Center is located in a quiet, 12-acre campus just a mile from the capitol, making it the perfect gateway to Washington, D.C.’s leaders, monuments and museums.”
For more information on the 4-H national conference, go to: http://www.4-h.org/4-h-conference/about/ .
The national 4-H conference center is operated by the National 4-H Council. For more information on the center, go to http://www.4hcenter.org/center_history.html .