Texas Master Naturalist program offers fall training opportunities
New applicants sought for volunteer program
Writer: Steve Byrns, 325-653-4576, [email protected]
Contact: Mary Pearl Meuth, 979-845-7294, [email protected]
AUSTIN — Texas Master Naturalist program chapters across the state are conducting training classes this fall for volunteers wanting to learn about natural resource and conservation management.
The Texas Master Naturalist program is comprised of 45 chapters across the state, said Mary Pearl Meuth, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service assistant state coordinator of the Texas Master Naturalist program at College Station. She said the master naturalist program, which is affiliated with her agency, is a corps of citizen volunteer educators who educate their communities about the management of natural resources.
“The main qualification needed to become a certified Texas Master Naturalist is an interest in learning and playing an active part in conservation,” Meuth said. “Volunteers will receive a minimum of 40 hours training from educators and specialists from places such as universities, natural resource agencies, nature centers and museums. Training topics include interpretation and management of natural resources, ecological concepts, eco-regions in Texas and natural systems management.”

She said once trained, volunteers are then asked to provide 40 hours of service a year in community education, demonstration and habitat enhancement projects in order to maintain certification as a Texas Master Naturalist.
“Volunteers are also expected to complete at least eight hours of advanced training in areas of personal interest,” she said. “However, many volunteers go above and beyond their basic requirements once involved and are encouraged to develop personal projects connecting to the mission of the chapter and statewide program.”
Meuth said some registration deadlines are fast approaching, so those interested should contact their nearest chapter for availability.
The various training opportunities listed in alphabetical order by chapter location are:
Abilene – Big Country Chapter – Starts Aug. 11 and will be held Tuesday evenings from 6–9 p.m. until Oct. 15. Three Thursday and two Saturday sessions are also planned. The class is limited to 20, registration deadline is Aug. 1, and the fee is $125. Contact Joel Brant, [email protected], or Jessica Adams, [email protected], for more information. Chapter Website: http://txmn.org/bc.
Denton – Elm Fork Chapter – Starts Sept. 1 and will end Nov. 17. Classes set each Tuesday from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at Global Spheres Center, 7801 S. Interstate 35 E, Corinth, also listed as 7801 S. Stemmons Freeway. Class is limited to the first 40 students. Registration is $150. Information on the chapter is available at, http://txmn.org/elmfork/ or email Kathryn Gildersleeve, [email protected]. Registration deadline is Aug. 20.
Fort Worth – Cross Timbers Chapter – Starts Aug. 25. Classes set each Tuesday from 6-9 p.m. until Oct. 20 at the Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge, 9601 Fossil Ridge Road. Four Saturday field trips are planned throughout the fall. Registration is $125 and is open until July 20. Contact Melina Pajak, 817-304-1998 or visit http://www.ctmn.org/.
Georgetown – Good Water Chapter – Runs from Sept. 8 to Dec. 8. Registration due before Aug. 25 for 30 students. Classes are Tuesdays from 6-9:30 p.m. with some field trips on Saturdays. Most meetings will be at the AgriLife Extension office meeting room in Williamson County, 3151 SE Inner Loop, Georgetown. Registration is $150. For information, contact Nancy Phillips, [email protected], or visit http://www.txmn.org/goodwater.
Houston – Gulf Coast Chapter – Set Tuesday evenings Aug. 4- Oct. 27 at the Judson Robinson Jr. Community Center. Class includes some area Saturday field trips. Class size limited to 24. Registration is $150 by July 15. Contact Julia Trimble, [email protected]. The chapter website can be found at http://txgcmn.org.
New Braunfels – Lindheimer Chapter – Runs from Nov. 3-Oct. 4, 2016. Most classes will meet the first Tuesday of each month from 6-9 p.m. with periodic field trips. Classes meet at the AgriLife Extension classroom, 325 Resource Drive, New Braunfels. Registration is $150 due at orientation the week before class begins. The registration deadline is Oct. 17 and class size is limited to 30. For more information, contact education co-chairs: Darlene Varga, [email protected], or Valerie Lefebvre, [email protected]. The chapter website can be found at http://www.txmn.org/lindheimer.
Rosenberg – Coastal Prairie Chapter – Aug. 22-Sept. 14 at various times and dates, including six full Saturdays, five Tuesday evenings and a full Monday. The class is limited to 20. Registration is $150. For more information, contact Lisa Feighery, [email protected]; Wayne Helbert, [email protected], or Than Colvin, [email protected], with any questions. The chapter website can be found at http://www.txmn.org/coastal.
San Antonio –Alamo Area Chapter – Classes will be from 12:30-4:30 p.m. on Thursdays for 10 consecutive weeks starting Sept. 3. There will be four morning field trips. Classes will be held at Phil Hardberger Park Urban Ecology Center, 8400 NW Military Drive, San Antonio. Class is limited to 53 participants. Registration is $200, but scholarships are available. Contact Pamela Ball, [email protected]. Registration deadline is Aug. 15. The chapter website can be found at http://txmn.org/alamo/ .
Sherman – Bluestem Chapter – Runs Aug. 22-Oct. 31 at Austin College and Hagerman Wildlife Refuge in Sherman or at Eisenhower State Park, Denison. Classes will be from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturdays through the fall. Registration is $100. For more information, contact [email protected]. Registration deadline is Aug. 3. The chapter website can be found at http://txmn.org/bluestem/.
Waco – Heart of Texas Chapter – Runs 6-8:30 p.m. Tuesdays at Lake Waco Wetlands, Aug. 25-Oct. 13, with three Saturday field trips. Registration is $150. Contact Janet Wallace, [email protected]. The chapter website can be found at http://txmn.org/heartoftexas/ .
Waxahachie – Indian Trail Chapter – Runs Tuesdays from 6-9 p.m., Sept. 15-Nov. 17, with three Saturday field trips. Classes will be at First United Methodist Church Family Life Center, 505 W. Marvin Ave., Waxahachie. Registration is $150 by Aug. 19. For more information, contact Lynn Wisakowsky, training committee chair, 214-802-6993, [email protected]. The chapter website can be found at http://txmn.org/indiantrail/.
The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and AgriLife Extension co-sponsor the Texas Master Naturalist Program.
For more information about existing chapters or forming a new chapter, contact Meuth, 979-845-7294 or [email protected] .
More information about the Texas Master Naturalist program is available at http://txmn.org. Highlights of chapter projects, statewide initiatives and program achievements can also be found on the Texas Master Naturalist Programs Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/TexasMasterNaturalistProgram.