Scientists to gather for multi-state Rice Technical Working Group meeting in Galveston
- Writer: Kathleen Phillips, 979-845-2872, [email protected]
- Contact: Dr. Lee Tarpley, 409-752-2741, [email protected]
GALVESTON — The 36th annual meeting of the Rice Technical Working Group will be March 1-4 in Galveston, according to Dr. Lee Tarpley, Texas A&M AgriLife Research plant physiologist in Beaumont and program chair.

The group meets every other year to provide for continuous exchange of information, cooperative planning and periodic review of all phases of rice research and Extension outreach being carried on by the rice producing states, the federal government and cooperating agencies. It also develops proposals for future work, which are suggested to the participating agencies for implementation, Tarpley noted.
In addition to rice researchers from Arkansas, California, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri and Texas, international attendees are expected from various rice-producing countries, he said.
The event will be held at the Moody Gardens Hotel Spa and Convention Center in Galveston. Registration and information are available at Proposals for presentations are being accepted online as well through Nov. 15, and nominations for awards by mail through Dec. 15.
Topics include: breeding, genetics and cytogenetics; economics and marketing; plant protection; processing, storage and quality; rice culture; and, rice weed control and growth regulation.
The Distinguished Rice Research and Education Award will be given to one individual and one team to recognize achievements which advance the science, motivate progress and promise technical advances in the rice industry, Tarpley noted. Distinguished Service Awards recognize outstanding long-term service to the rice industry, he said.
For more information, contact Tarpley at 409-752-2741 or [email protected].