Texas 4-H provides international leadership through GLOBE program
Tier 1 experience offered at Heifer Ranch June 29-July 2

COLLEGE STATION – The Global Leadership Opportunities Beyond Education, or GLOBE, program of Texas 4-H Youth Development will offer a Tier I experience to 4-H members in grades 6-12 from June 29-July 2.
The Tier 1 experience will take place at Heifer Ranch in Perryville, Arkansas.
Heifer Ranch is a 1,200-acre farm dedicated to educating youth and adults about Heifer International’s worldwide programs for sustainable solutions to combat hunger, poverty and environmental degradation, said Dr. Darlene Locke, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service 4-H youth development education specialist, College Station.
Forty youth, along with AgriLife Extension personnel serving as chaperones, will travel to Perryville on June 29 and return on July 2.
The registration fee of $350 includes lodging for three nights and all meals, beginning with dinner on June 29. Locke said individuals may register on 4-H Connect, GLOBE. Registration is limited to the first 40 paid youth. A $175 deposit is due March 13 with the balance of $175 due by April 13.
“Attendees will need to bring sleeping bags and toiletries as with any camp experience,” Locke said.
She said the experience will include participation in educational webinars, exposure to cultural and geographic competency of countries served by Heifer International, learning about leadership and developing life skills and teambuilding, plus hands-on simulations.
“4-H members are expected to participate in at least two of three scheduled online webinars designed to introduce youth to the concepts of poverty, sustainability and temporary aid,” she said. “Youth will learn about Heifer International and the partnerships with various countries through their Global Village simulation.”
All participants will receive a Texas 4-H GLOBE commemorative t-shirt.
Locke said upon completion of the Tier I experience at Heifer Ranch, participants are expected to complete a service project related to poverty and/or hunger and make two presentations about their experience to civic groups. Tasks will be reported through an online reporting system.
A Tier II international service learning experience abroad will be offered in 2017. Locke said only those youth who have completed the Tier I experience will be eligible to participate.
For more information, contact Locke at 979-845-6533 or [email protected], or Charlene Belew, at 432-336-8585 or [email protected].