Writer: Paul Schattenberg, 210-859-5752, [email protected]

Contact: Daphne Richards, 512-8454-9600, [email protected]

AUSTIN – The Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service in conjunction with the Travis County Master Gardeners association will present three Saturday Summer Seminars at Zilker Botanical Garden, 2220 Barton Springs Road in Austin.

Rainwater harvesting will be one of the topics to be addressed at the summer seminars to be held at Zilker Botanical Garden. (Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service photo)

The seminars, which will be held from 10 a.m.–noon, are free and open to the public. No RSVP is required. The park entrance fee is $2 per adult, $1 per children ages 3-12 or seniors 62 and older, and $3 per non-Austin resident. Cash or checks are accepted.

“These seminar topics were chosen to address some of the more popular and salient topics we have received inquiries about at our agency office,” said Daphne Richards, AgriLife Extension horticulturist, Travis County.

Richards said details on the seminars can be found on the Central Texas Horticulture blogspot at  http://bit.ly/2ss2dH2.

Dates, topics and general descriptions for the summer seminars are:

— June 10, Wild in the City: Living with Austin’s Urban Wildlife. This seminar will discuss common wildlife species seen in Austin’s urban landscape and offer practical tips for humans on how to co-exist with wildlife while protecting their homes and gardens. The program will be led by Meredith O’Reilly, a gardening specialist for AgriLife Extension’s 4-H CAPITAL program in Travis County and a Texas Master Naturalist.

— July 8, The 6 D’s of Container Gardening Success. This seminar covers the major considerations and decisions – from design and soil to irrigation and sunlight – needed for gardening success. Participants will receive a list of recommended plants and resources suitable for Central Texas. Travis County Master Gardener Kirk Walden will lead the program.

— August 5, Wise Rainwater Control for Central Texas: Rain gardens, Rainwater Collection, Dry Creeks and Wetlands. This seminar will cover some of the practical aspects of taming excess rainwater, including functionality, location, construction and maintenance of rain gardens and methods of rainwater collection or diversion. It will address some of the concerns to be considered before deciding to invest in common options for water control. The program will be led by Travis County Master Gardeners Marian Stasney and Pat Mokry.

For more information contact AgriLife Extension in Travis County at 512-854-9600.

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