AgriLife Extension, El Progreso Memorial Library to present month-long quail appreciation program
July program in Uvalde will include visual, reading, hands-on activities
Writer: Paul Schattenberg, 210-859-5752, [email protected]
Contacts: Dr. Maureen Frank, 830-278-9151, [email protected]
Samantha Korzekwa, 830-591-9046, [email protected]
Amanda Gobeli, 979-845-1851, [email protected]
Mendell Morgan, 210-355-8562, [email protected]
UVALDE – The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service in collaboration with the El Progreso Memorial Library, 301 W. Main St. in Uvalde, will present a community quail appreciation program throughout July.
“This month-long quail appreciation program will include a special July 7 event during which Amanda Gobeli, AgriLife Extension associate for the Reversing the Quail Decline Initiative based in San Angelo, will be the guest speaker,” said Dr. Maureen Frank, AgriLife Extension wildlife specialist and event co-coordinator, Uvalde.

Frank and Samantha Korzekwa, AgriLife Extension agriculture and natural resources agent, Uvalde County, coordinated with library director Mendell Morgan who invited them to conduct the quail program at the library.
“Samantha and I had an idea for our Lunch and Learn opportunity in July, then Amanda agreed to join in and provide her expertise,” Frank explained. “Then Mendell got involved and is helping it grow into an awesome month-long community event.”
Registration for the Quail for All program July 7 will begin at 10:45 a.m., followed by the program from 11-noon, then lunch. All ages are invited, and lunch is included in the program cost of $5 for one adult and one child, and $3 for each additional child. Children under three are free.
Morgan said the library has already had success presenting wildlife programs.
“Last year we featured frogs for the month of August and had a good bit of success with it,” Morgan said. “This year, since the featured quail program will be July 7, we plan to devote the entire month to quail appreciation.”
He said library staff is encouraging people to bring whatever items they have related to quail, including figurines, books, photos, objets d’art, plates and platters, for display.
“AgriLife Extension will also bring pop-up banners showing more about quail habitat and behavior and we have reserved the Artist of the Month wall to display paintings and framed art,” he said. “The Children’s Story Hour every Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. will focus on books and/or stories and activities, including coloring sheets showing quail.”
The San Antonio Zoo is lending the library a “Our Feathered Friends” trunk show, which includes some quail-related items, Morgan said.
“Children will also make a seed mosaic of a quail in preparation for the monthly appreciation event and we are hoping to engage some special guest readers to take part in the July story hours,” Morgan said.
Gobeli said her July 7 program will include an overview of quail biology and behavior, emphasizing the form and function of quail survival, plus a “run for your life” activity for kids to demonstrate how quail search for food and avoid predators.
“We are thrilled to have the opportunity to partner with the El Progreso Memorial Library on this educational outreach activity in which the entire community can participate,” Frank said.
For more information and to RSVP, contact Korzekwa at 830-278-6661.