Cari Snider new program coordinator for Texas 4-H Conference Center
Writer: Paul Schattenberg, 210-859-5752, [email protected]
Contact: Mark Carroll, 325-784-5483, [email protected]
Cari Snider, 325-784-5482, [email protected]

BROWNWOOD – Cari Snider has been hired as the new program coordinator for the Texas 4-H Conference Center at Lake Brownwood.
Snider, a recent graduate of Texas A&M University and 4-H alumnus, has been hired as the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service specialist who will lead the center’s youth programming efforts. She started her new position Sept. 1.
Center director Mark Carroll said Snider will be responsible for coordinating and implementing the many 4-H youth programs at the center and serve as the lead staff for the 24 college students hired each summer to work at the center. She also will serve as a lifeguard instructor and challenge course facilitator.
“Cari is from Hall County and was very involved in the local 4-H program there including showing livestock, serving in leadership roles at the county, district, and state levels, soil judging, livestock judging and food challenge, Carroll said. “One of her favorite 4-H events involved attending camp at the center each summer. She has also been working as a 4-H center summer staff member for the past four years while completing her bachelor’s degree and master’s degree.”
Snider earned a Bachelor of Science degree in agricultural science and Master of Education degree in Extension education, both from Texas A&M. She also has various certifications, including certification to teach agricultural science and technology to grades 6-12 through the Texas Education Agency.
“Cari knows the values of hard work and embodies those principles and characteristics we espouse for members of 4-H to be positive role models for others,” Carroll said. “Her long-term experience with 4-H, her education and practical student teaching experience, plus her familiarity with the center and its many activities, makes her a great fit as program coordinator.
We know she will have a positive impact on everyone she comes in contact with here at the center.”

As a lead summer staff member at the center in past years, Snider’s responsibilities included leading summer staff in specific program areas, staff instruction, development of educational programs and entertainment for campers, activity facilitation, and instruction in proper kayaking procedures, archery and rifle safety. She also served as a lifeguard and led camp sessions in veterinary science, leadership and rifle.
“After working four summers of camp, taking some leadership and recreation courses through my degrees, and my general background as a 4-H member have given me a good base of knowledge to build on as I get started,” Snider said. “I want to continue to help the center reach more youth across the state of Texas and allow them to have the best camp experience possible.”
Snider’s additional experience includes working as a summer intern at the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service office in Caldwell, where she worked with county AgriLife Extension agents to coordinate and implement program events and activities.
Snider was also a student teacher at Dimmitt High School, where she taught agricultural science to four different classes with 8-15 students, assisted in supervising student projects and helped students prepare for public speaking contests.
Her professional and academic activities include membership in Saddle and Sirloin, Future Agriculture Science Teachers, Collegiate 4-H and the Alpha Tau Alpha national fraternity for agriculture science educators.
Snider said she cherished her memories of attending 4-H camps as a youth and enjoyed the work she did at the center as a summer staffer, and looked forward to giving back to 4-H through her new full-time role.