Seminars to be from August to October

Paul Schattenberg, 210-859-5752, [email protected]

Contact: David Rodriguez, 210-631-0400, [email protected]

SAN ANTONIO – The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service in Bexar County and Bexar County Master Gardeners will present an Earth-Kind home gardening series in San Antonio from August through October.

Earth-Kind uses the best techniques from traditional and organic gardening. (Texas A&M AgriLife Extensi0n Service photo)

“Earth-Kind gardening takes the best methods and techniques from traditional and organic gardening,” said David Rodriguez, AgriLife Extension horticulture agent, Bexar County. “It focuses on environmentally responsible gardening using minimal inputs.”

Series sessions will be from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the AgriLife Extension office in Suite 208 of the Conroy Square business complex, 3355 Cherry Ridge Drive.

The cost is $30 for the series or $10 per session. To register, go to:

Seminar dates and topics will be:

Aug. 8 — Rainwater Harvesting and Drip Irrigation.

Aug. 22 — Fall Vegetable Gardening: Warm Weather Vegetables.

Sept. 12 — Home Fruit and Citrus.

Sept. 26 — Lawn Care Basics.

Oct. 10 — Fall Vegetable Gardening: Cool Weather Vegetables.

Oct. 24 — Benefits of Composting.

Rodriguez said series attendees will learn how to make landscapes look better while saving money on herbicides, pesticides and water.

“This is a great training for new homeowners and residents of the San Antonio area, but anyone can benefit from the techniques and tips offered,” he said.

For more information, contact Denise Perez at 210-631-0400, [email protected] .



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