Lashmet’s ‘Ag Law in the Field’ podcast earns ABA top 100 web resources ranking
Writer: Kay Ledbetter, 806-677-5608, [email protected]
Contact: Tiffany Dowell Lashmet, 806-677-5600, [email protected]

AMARILLO – Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service agricultural law specialist Tiffany Dowell Lashmet’s “Ag Law in the Field” has been named one of the best law podcasts by the American Bar Association magazine.
“You have earned a spot in the ABA Journal’s Web 100, our annual list of the best legal blogs, podcasts, Twitter accounts and web tools,” said Lee Rawles, ABA Journal assistant managing editor, in announcing Lashmet’s selection.
Only 20 podcasts were chosen to be among the Web 100. The list of recognized podcasts can be found at
With regard to the Ag Law in the Field podcast, the journal stated: “Attorneys who are practicing in rural areas praise this podcast from Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service blogger Tiffany Lashmet.”
“I like how practical and down-to-earth the host is,” said Houston family lawyer Erin Callahan, president of the professional development organization Ms. JD, in the journal.
Lashmet, based in Amarillo with statewide duties, began Ag Law in the Field in 2017, and each episode features an interview with an ag lawyer about a different topic.
“Podcasts are a new and innovative way to get information to people,” Lashmet said. “Folks can listen online or on their smartphones whenever they want.”
The full list of Web 100 nominees will appear in the magazine’s online version of the December issue, as well as newcomers to the list and Blawg 100 Hall of Fame honorees will appear in the print version.
Lashmet is no stranger to recognition by the American Bar Association. Her “Texas Agriculture Law Blog” was named one of the top 100 legal blogs in the nation in 2014, 2015 and 2016 by the ABA Journal, which is the professional publication of the American Bar Association.
Lashmet created her blog shortly after she was hired with AgriLife Extension as an agricultural law specialist in July 2013. When first recognized as being in the top 100 legal blogs, her blog was receiving an average of 7,000 views a month. It now receives over 60,000 monthly views on average.
Lashmet said her blog and podcast are just another way to reach people with current agricultural law news. She currently has over 4,700 subscribers to her blog, including other attorneys, producers, realtors and ag business people. Her podcast receives over 2,500 downloads a month.
“This year, the most popular podcasts have been ones covering landlocked property, groundwater law, and oil and gas law,” Lashmet said.
Her podcast can be found at, and the blog can be found at Lashmet said readers can subscribe to each by following the instructions on its website.
Lashmet, who grew up on a family ranch in New Mexico, was an associate attorney with the law firm Peifer, Hanson and Mullins in Albuquerque. She earned her law degree from the University of New Mexico School of Law and bachelor’s degree in agribusiness from Oklahoma State University.