Three private pesticide applicator trainings slated for February in Austin
Training programs will be Feb. 25-27 at Travis County East Service Center

The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service for Travis County will present three Texas Department of Agriculture pesticide applicator continuing education unit, or CEU, training programs from Feb. 25-27 in Austin.
The programs, which are for commercial, non-commercial and private pesticide applicators, will be at the Travis County East Service Center, 6011 Blue Bluff Road. CEUs noted in the daily programs are pending.
Each training will begin with day-of registration at 7:30 a.m. and include lunch at 12:15 p.m. Feb. 25 and Feb. 27 programs will conclude at 3:30 p.m., and the Feb. 26 program will end at 2:15 p.m. Programs will end with evaluations and certificate presentations to those who successfully complete them.
Coffee, snacks, sodas and water are available during breaks and are included in the program registration fee.
Register through Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Conference Services or call 979-845-2604. No cash will be accepted. Pay by credit card, check or money order.
The cost for those who register on or before Feb. 18 is $60 for one day, $105 for two days and $135 for three days. For those who register from Feb. 19-23, the cost is $80 for one day, $125 for two days and $155 for three days.
On-site registration is available for an additional fee and on a space-available basis. Purchase orders accepted with prior approval. Contact Noel Troxclair, Ph.D. AgriLife Extension agriculture and natural resources agent, Travis County, at 512-854-9600 for more information.
Topics, presenters and continuing education units for the Feb. 25 training will be:
- TDA Laws and Regulations Update and Pesticide Licensing, Perry Cervantes, coordinator for Pesticide Certification and Compliance Program, TDA, Austin. One laws and regulations CEU.
- IPM of Insects in Small Grains and Grass Crops, Troxclair. One integrated pest management CEU.
- Herbicides and Public Misconceptions, Mark Matocha, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension specialist, agricultural and environmental safety, College Station. One laws and regulations CEU.
- Weed Identification and Management, Barron Rector, Ph.D. AgriLife Extension range specialist, College Station. One integrated pest management CEU.
- Weed Management in Row Crops and Small Grains, Joshua McGinty, Ph.D. AgriLife Extension agronomist, College Station. One integrated pest management CEU.
- Managing Insect Pests in Corn, Cotton and Grain Sorghum, Troxclair. One integrated pest management CEU.
Topics, presenters and pending continuing education units for the Feb. 26 program are:
- Managing Wild Pigs in the Urban-Rural Interface Landscape, Maureen Frank, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension wildlife specialist, Uvalde. One integrated pest management CEU.
- Pesticide Labels Review, Cervantes. One laws and regulations CEU.
- Oak Wilt, Drought and Other Important Tree Diseases, David Appel, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension specialist, biological control, College Station. One general CEU.
- Importance and Fundamentals of Pest and Disease Diagnostics in Landscape Management, Kevin Ong, Ph.D., director, Texas Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab, Texas A&M University. One general CEU.
- Managing Red Imported Fire Ants, Tawny Ants and Emerald Ash Borer, Troxclair. One integrated pest management CEU.
Topics, presenters and continuing education units for the Feb. 27 program are:
- Pesticide Applicator Complaints, Cervantes. One laws and regulations CEU.
- Maximizing Profits in Cattle Operations, Joshua Eilers, Ranger Cattle founder, Austin.
- Sprayer Calibration, Matocha. One general CEU.
- Identification of External Livestock Pests and Using Best Management Practices to Minimize Environmental and Animal Risk to Pesticide Contamination in Grazing Livestock, Joe Pascal, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension livestock specialist, Corpus Christi. One integrated pest management CEU.
- Why Brush Herbicide Treatments Fail, Bob Lyons, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension range specialist, Uvalde. One integrated pest management CEU.
- Managing Insect Herbivores in Hay and Pasture, Troxclair. One integrated pest management CEU.