AgriLife Extension in Atascosa, Wilson counties taking Master Gardener Intern Training applications
Classes will alternate between offices on Tuesdays from March 31 to June 2

The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service offices in Atascosa and Wilson counties are now accepting applications for a new Master Gardener Intern Training from March 31 through June 2.
Classes will be from 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. each Tuesday and alternate between AgriLife Extension offices in Atascosa and Wilson counties unless otherwise noted.
The AgriLife Extension office in Atascosa County is located at 25 E. 5th Street in Leming. The agency office for Wilson County is at 1420 3rd Street, Suite 300, in Floresville.
The registration fee of $225 is payable in full before the first day of class. If paid on the first day of class, the fee will be $250.
Topics covered will be the basics of soil science, fruit and nut trees, ornamentals, turfgrass, pest management and more. Topics will be taught by Master Gardeners, AgriLife Extension personnel, university professors and others.
Rankin said those attending the 10-week training must submit an application, but application submission alone does not guarantee acceptance. The class size is limited to 30 individuals with applications required by March 19.
Go to the AgriLife Extension website for Atascosa County or Wilson County or visit either county office for an application.
Individuals who complete the training become certified Master Gardeners and assist AgriLife Extension through community education in horticulture. Interns completing classroom training and passing the final exam will be required to complete a minimum number of hours of volunteer service toward youth and/or adult education outreach. Volunteer hours may be applied to a variety of approved projects discussed during training.
“Master Gardeners support the community by providing information and advice on gardening and landscaping, providing technical assistance, supporting the local green industry and being involved in a variety of horticulture-related community service projects,” said Bryan Davis, AgriLife Extension agriculture and natural resources agent, Wilson County.
As Master Gardener interns will be working with the community, each applicant will also have to go through a background check.
For more information, contact Rankin or Georgina Macias at the AgriLife Extension office in Atascosa County at 830-569-0034, or Davis at the AgriLife Extension office in Wilson County at 830-303-3889.