Learn to identify, control submerged aquatic vegetation
Online course available to fit your schedule
The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service now offers an online course focused on identifying and controlling submerged aquatic vegetation.

The learn-at-your-own-pace-and-convenience online course is $20 and part of a four-course series by AgriLife Extension aquatic vegetation management program specialist Brittany Chesser, Bryan-College Station.
The course will provide landowners and pesticide applicators with biological information and control strategies for submerged aquatic vegetation in private water bodies.
“Controlling submerged aquatic plants poses different challenges than treating terrestrial plants, or even other aquatic vegetation classifications,” Chesser said. “The difficulty is mostly due to their position in the water column, and treating these plants is usually more expensive.
“Submerged aquatic plants are arguably the most challenging classification of aquatic vegetation to identify and are easily confused with one another,” she said. “This course covers 12 native species and five non-native species commonly found around Texas, detailing identification characteristics and control methods.”
This course takes roughly one hour, and upon completion, participants will be able to:
- Recognize the importance of managing native and non-native submerged aquatic plant species.
- Identify commonly found submerged aquatic plant species.
- Identify management considerations and determine effective control options for submerged aquatic plant species.
Successful course completion counts toward one hour of integrated pest management continuing education unit credit from the Texas Department of Agriculture.
For more information on aquatic plant management or the online course series from AgriLife Extension, contact Chesser.