Spring integrated pest management seminar slated for Feb. 21 in Dallas
Attendees will receive the latest updates on pesticide laws, drift minimization and pest management strategies
The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service will host a spring integrated pest management, IPM, continuing education seminar on Feb. 21 in Dallas.

The event will be held in the Water and Land Resources Building at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center at Dallas, 17360 Coit Road, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The cost is $100, which includes lunch, and online registration is available at https://tx.ag/SpringIPM25 until Feb. 17. Late registration online and at the door is $140.
About the training
Attendees will receive the latest updates on pesticide laws, drift minimization and pest management strategies.
A total of 10 continuing education units, CEUs, are available — five agricultural and five structural. CEUs are available for both Texas Department of Agriculture, TDA, and Texas Structural Pest Control Service, SPCS, license holders. The program is also offering five CEUs from the Texas Nursery and Landscape Association.
Participants must enter their correct TDA license number at registration and attend the entire seminar to receive credit.
Topics and speakers
- Turfgrass management for disease prevention, Pablo Agustin Boeri, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension turfgrass specialist and assistant professor, Department of Soil and Crop Sciences, Dallas.
- Herbicide mode of action, Eric Reasor, Ph.D., southeast research scientist for PBI-Gordon Corporation, Dallas.
- Drift management and sprayer calibration, Jacob Wightman, AgriLife Extension agricultural and environmental safety program specialist, Bryan-College Station.
- Endangered species act, pesticide label changes and IPM, Janet Hurley, AgriLife Extension senior program specialist, Department of Entomology, Dallas.
- Updates on TDA and structural pest control service regulations, Henry Krusekopf, TDA regional director, Dallas.