Global impact: Locust research
Locust outbreaks impact the livelihoods of one in 10 people on the planet. The most recent locust outbreak occurred from 2019-2022 and caused more than $1.3 billion in crop damage in 23 countries across eastern Africa, the Middle East and Asia, from Ethiopia to Nepal. The Behavioral Plasticity Research Institute at Texas A&M University is researching the insect that has plagued humans for thousands of years. There are 20 known species of locusts that are characterized by the ability to transform through a phenomenon called locust phase polyphenism, which changes their biology, morphology, color and behavior. Researchers hope to learn more about the phase in order to mitigate the impact it has on humans. While the swarms may not impact the U.S. now, climate change and future migration patterns of locusts found in Mexico are legitimate concerns. The institute is taking a preemptive approach to mitigate potential devastation in the future.
Read more on how Locust Research can help prevent further outbreaks: Searching for a global solution to locust outbreaks