Dr. Reid Redden to be headquartered at San Angelo

Writer: Steve Byrns, 325-653-4576, s-byrns@tamu.edu

Contact: Dr. Ronald Gill, 979-845-3579, cell-817-233-3164, rgill@ag.tamu.edu

SAN ANGELO – Dr. Reid Redden has been named the new state sheep and goat specialist and associate professor for the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, according to Dr. Ronald Gill, AgriLife Extension livestock specialist and associate animal science department head at Texas A&M University, College Station.

Dr. Reid Redden  (courtesy photo)
Dr. Reid Redden
(courtesy photo)

Gill said Redden’s appointment will be effective March 1, with the expectation that he will be permanently settled in San Angelo no later than June 1. He will be working remotely in the interim.

Redden will be headquartered at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center, located north of San Angelo on U.S. Highway 87. Gill said Redden will be responsible for leading the agency’s state presence in the sheep and goat industry on both the youth and adult levels.

“We are fortunate and excited to be able to get Reid to come back to Texas and provide leadership in sheep and goat programming for AgriLife Extension,” Gill said.

“We are proud of our AgriLife Extension education programs in animal science and the impact they have on the sheep and goat industries, and we believe Dr. Redden will add yet another dimension to our already established and recognized efforts.”

Redden, who grew up in Utopia, is currently an Extension sheep specialist and assistant professor at North Dakota State University living in Fargo. He earned his bachelor’s degree in animal science from Texas A&M, his master’s degree in reproductive physiology from New Mexico State University, and his doctorate in ruminant nutrition from Montana State University.

Redden assumes the position formerly held by Dr. Frank Craddock, who retired last August.

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