Writer: Steve Byrns, 325-653-4576, s-byrns@tamu.edu

Contact: Cristen Brooks, 806-983-4912, cristen.brooks@ag.tamu.edu

FLOYDADA – The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service will conduct a cotton market outlook and risk management seminar from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. March 11 in the Floyd County Unity Center in Floydada.

“This will be an important meeting for area producers as many crop commodity prices are low right now and producers are seeking guidance on ways to minimize risk while maximizing profits in the coming year,” said Cristen Brooks, AgriLife Extension agent in Floyd County.

Dr. John Robinson, AgriLife Extension cotton marketing specialist at College Station, will be the featured speaker, Brooks said.

“Dr. Robinson will have various strategies to help guide marketing plans as well as provide valuable insight into the world markets and the various factors currently at play,” Brooks said.

Other seminar topics will include the current volatile world market, the fundamental forces affecting the cotton market, the current cotton market outlook, marketing and insurance strategies, and hedging and options strategies.

Individual registration is $15 and includes lunch. RSVP is required by March 10. To RSVP or for more information, contact the AgriLife Extension office in Floyd County at 806-983-4912, Floyd-TX@ag.tamu.edu .

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