AgriLife Extension 4-H agent hired for Randall County
Writer: Kay Ledbetter, 806-677-5608, [email protected]
Contact: Andrew Moritz, 806-468-5543, [email protected]
CANYON – Andrew Moritz has returned to his native state in his position as the new Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service 4-H youth development agent for Randall County. He began May 14.

“We are excited to have Andrew join our AgriLife Extension team in Randall County and bring with him his experiences in the 4-H program,” said Brandon Dukes, AgriLife Extension district administrator in Amarillo.
Dukes said Moritz will do many of the same things in Texas that he did in Arkansas, including identifying, training and engaging 4-H volunteers; managing competitive activities and school-based programs; and conducting a variety of programs to reach a broader audience throughout the county.
Moritz, who is from the Austin area, has been working with the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension in Fayetteville, Arkansas, as a 4-H program assistant. He earned his bachelor’s degree in animal science from Texas A&M University and is working on his master’s degree in agricultural and Extension education from the University of Arkansas.
He previously worked as a veterinarian technician in Arkansas, as well as an animal science research intern in College Station.
Moritz said it was his love for Extension, coupled with his desire to return home, that landed him in Randall County.
“The three personal factors I feel are key to being an exemplary 4-H agent are creativity, leadership and dependability,” he said. “I believe these, along with my undergraduate work at Texas A&M, have prepared me well for this position.
“Also, I’m excited to come to the Panhandle, where my wife is from. I have spent a great deal of time in the area. I look forward to working with the youth and adult leaders in Randall County.”