Writer: Steve Byrns, 325-653-4576, [email protected]

Contacts: Dr. Dale Rollins, 325-653-4576, [email protected]

Amanda Gobeli, 720-333-6224, [email protected]

Clinton Faas, 800-893-9453, [email protected]

SAN ANGELO – The QuailMasters 2017 workshop registration deadline has been moved up a month to March 10 and the sessions and locations are secured, said Dr. Dale Rollins, statewide coordinator for Texas A&M AgriLife’s Reversing the Decline of Quail Initiative at San Angelo.

The workshop series, co-sponsored by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service and the Texas Wildlife Association, starts in late March and ends in August.

Rollins said QuailMasters is a series of intensive, hands-on training sessions designed to introduce participants to the best quail habitat in Texas and in so doing, make them “masters”of the art and science of quail management.

“The main goal is to enhance the participants’ decision-making skills relative to the three phases of quail management, which are habitat, quail populations and people,” he said.

Participants who Rollins said would benefit from the series include landowners, managers, hunters, quail enthusiasts, consultants, AgriLife Extension agents, wildlife biologists and college students. Those who sign up are expected to attend all four sessions.

The sessions are:

– Session I; March 26-28, Sweetwater and Roby.

– Session II; April 30-May 2, Hebbronville.

– Session III; June 4-6, Vernon.

– Session IV; Aug. 14-16, Abilene.

The series is limited to 35 participants.

Tuition is $500 for individuals and $250 for college students, which includes most meals and educational support materials.

Three hours of graduate college credit are available for an additional charge through Texas A&M University’s wildlife and fisheries sciences department.

For more information or to register, contact Clinton Faas, Texas Wildlife Association director of conservation programs in Victoria, at 800-893-9453 or [email protected]; Amanda Gobeli, AgriLife Extension wildlife and fisheries science associate in San Angelo, at 720-333-6224 or [email protected]; or Rollins at 325-653-4576 or [email protected].

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