Tarlton Holloway named to agriculture, natural resources post

Writer: Steve Byrns, 325-653-4576, [email protected]

Contact: Michael Clawson, 806-746-6101, [email protected]

                POST – The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service has named Tarlton Holloway the new county agent for agriculture and natural resources in Garza County.

                The announcement was made by Garza County Judge Lee Norman and Michael Clawson, AgriLife Extension administrator in Lubbock.

Tarlton Holloway. (Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service photo)

                “Tarlton will be an ideal fit for Garza County,” Clawson said. “He is familiar with AgriLife Extension and has a strong working knowledge of the region. Both of Tarlton’s parents are county Extension agents and his grandfather retired from Extension. This background in combination with his outstanding interpersonal skills, positive attitude and passion to educate others are traits valuable to his success in his new career.”

                Clawson said Holloway will complete AgriLife Extension’s month-long First Step orientation training in Lubbock County before assuming his permanent Garza County post Nov. 1.

                Holloway graduated from Stamford High School and earned a bachelor’s degree in agriculture education from West Texas A&M University at Canyon.

                His scholastic honors and activities include serving as vice president of the Texas Junior Angus Association, state collegiate FFA vice president and West Texas A&M University collegiate FFA president and vice president.  

                His past employment has included stints with Wood Flying Inc. of Panhandle, Ericksdahl Co-op Gin at Avoca and Ash Angus LLC.

                For more information, contact Clawson at 806-746-6101.


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