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Contact: Dr. Steve George, 972-540-2019, [email protected]

MCKINNEY — Anyone can design, plant and manage an attractive landscape that is low-maintenance and tolerant to heat, drought and torrential rain, “the ultimate in environmental responsibility,” said Dr. Steve George, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service landscape specialist in Dallas.

George is creator of the Earth-Kind Environmental Landscape Management System and organizer of the annual Earth-Kind Landscape Design and Management School.

The 2018 school is slated for Feb. 24-25 at Myers Park and Event Center, 7117 County Road. 166, McKinney.

“No prior design, plant or landscape management experience is needed,” George said. “And having a properly designed and managed landscape is one of the best ways to be a good steward of our environment and natural resources.”

George will lead the two-day landscaping course, which he says will consist of in-depth classroom instruction and an outdoor laboratory session.

“When this course is complete, you will have been given a wealth of landscape knowledge and will leave with a labeled working landscape plan for the major landscape area of your choice,” he said.

A course registration fee of $295 per household includes an hour and a half landscape design consultation with George, for each household, a few weeks after the course.

“Class size is very limited so you will want to enroll as soon as possible,” George said.

To register for the course, contact Angela Ehrler, AgriLife Extension administrative associate in Dallas, 972-952-9256, [email protected].

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