Writer: Kay Ledbetter, 806-677-5608, skledbetter@ag.tamu.edu
Contact: Blake Pustejovsky, 806-561-4562, blake.pustejovsky@ag.tamu.edu

TAHOKA – Blake Pustejovsky has been hired as the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service agriculture and natural resources agent in Lynn County. He started Jan. 7.

Blake Pustejovsky
Blake Pustejovsky has been hired as the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service agriculture and natural resources agent in Lynn County. (Texas A&M AgriLife photo)

“We are very excited to have Blake join us in Lynn County, as he is already familiar with our agency,” said Michael Clawson, AgriLife Extension district administrator, Lubbock. “Growing up, he was a very active 4-H member in Hill County and gained additional experience at the Texas 4-H Center at Brownwood.”

Clawson said Lynn County has a long history of quality AgriLife Extension programs, and Pustejovsky’s passion to serve others through education will enhance the agency’s continued impact in helping the residents there.

Pustejovsky, a native of Abbott, earned a bachelor’s degree in agricultural services and development from Tarleton State University. His previous experience includes working at the Texas 4-H Center and at the Mallet Event Center and Arena in Levelland.

“I’ve wanted to be an agent ever since my senior year of high school when I was my club president,” Pustejovsky said. “When I was in 4-H, I was given many opportunities, and I want to do the same for youth now.”

He said in addition to his 11 years in 4-H, “I also volunteered some to work alongside my county ag and IPM agents. Ag awareness was a big thing for me, and that’s something I hope to strengthen in Lynn County.”

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