Writer: Kay Ledbetter, 806-677-5608, [email protected]
Contact: Joshua Smartt, 940-574-4914, [email protected]

ARCHER CITY – Joshua Smartt has been hired as the new Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service agriculture and natural resources agent for Archer County.

Joshua Smartt is the new Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service agent in Archer County. (Texas A&M AgriLife photo)

Smartt brings with him a wealth of experience and information to share, according to Dale Dunlap, AgriLife Extension district administrator in Vernon.

“Joshua will be a great addition to our program in Archer County,” Dunlap said. “Not only does he already have agency insight, but he is also well-rounded in his agricultural background and will no doubt put that to use.”

A native of Andrews, Smartt attended Howard College at Big Spring prior to earning bachelor’s and master’s degrees in animal science from Angelo State University in San Angelo.

Smartt previously worked for AgriLife Extension in San Angelo under the direction of Dr. Frank Craddock and Dr. Reid Redden presenting sheep and goat programs across the state.

In 2014, he was named the Texas 4-H and FFA lamb, goat and breeding validation coordinator, traveling to all major livestock shows in Texas to conduct the program. He worked closely with AgriLife Extension county agents, ag science teachers, livestock directors and livestock-marketing groups on the validation and youth programs.

He also has worked as an assistant ranch manager and as a farm loan officer with the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Farm Service Agency in College Station.

“As a result of working with numerous people across the state of Texas, I have been able to expand not only my knowledge but also my network of people,” Smartt said. “I look forward to using this, as well as my other past experiences, in building the AgriLife Extension programs in Archer County.”

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