Lubbock Master Gardener Intern class applications now being accepted
Applications for the 2020 Lubbock County Master Gardener Intern Class Program are now being accepted through Feb. 15 online at The program is designed to train volunteers to help increase the availability of horticultural information and extend horticultural projects throughout Lubbock County.
Lubbock County Master Gardener Association is a non-profit educational and volunteer service organization affiliated with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. The Master Gardener mission statement is “Improving the quality of life through horticulture education.”
The cost is $250, and the 2020 class is limited to 20 participants. The intern class program consists of online classes, which start March 19, and nine in-person Saturday classes starting March 21 and will run consecutive Saturdays from 8:30-11:30 a.m.
“The Master Gardener program is one of the most effective volunteer organizations in the U.S., with over 95,000 members,” said Christina Reid, AgriLife Extension horticulture agent, Lubbock. “Our association is proud to be a member of the Texas Master Gardener Association, the largest Master Gardener program in the nation.”
“Through this program, the Lubbock Master Gardener interns will gain a basic understanding of the topics covered by the Texas Master Gardener Handbook,” Reid said. “These include plant growth and development, soils, water, plant nutrition, plant health management, fruit and nut production, vegetable and herb gardening, landscape horticulture, and lawn care.”
Please contact Reid for additional information at 806-775-1740 or [email protected].