The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service has hired Ann Millican as the AgriLife Extension family and community health agent for Terry County. Millican will start Feb. 17 and report to Michael Clawson, AgriLife Extension district administrator, Lubbock

“With a background as an educator, a degree in food technology and experience as a 4-H volunteer leader, Ann will be a tremendous asset to our group of family and community health agents. We look forward to what she will accomplish in Terry County,” said Clawson.

Millican earned her bachelor’s degree from Texas Tech University. She worked in education for 27 years before joining AgriLife Extension.

“I have seen and experienced firsthand how impactful 4-H can be for youth,” said Millican. “I hope I can help the youth of Terry County have similar experiences that contribute to their lives in meaningful ways. I also hope that I can provide educational opportunities and programming that will have a beneficial impact on the health of adults in the communities within Terry County.”

Most recently, Millican worked for Seminole Junior High School, where she served as the special education coordinator and reading specialist.

She has served as a volunteer instructor at Aggieland lamb and goat camps as well as a volunteer 4-H leader for Gaines, Menard and Scurry counties.

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