Online Texas A&M AgriLife Organic Workshop now available
The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service is now offering the Texas A&M AgriLife Organic Workshop online.
Although the videos are tailored toward the High Plains and Rolling Plains producers, there are videos that provide great insights for producers across Texas, said Emi Kimura, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension agronomist, Vernon.
The series of nine videos range anywhere from about 10 to 90 minutes and can be viewed at any time without a fee.
Topics and speakers for the online organic workshop will be:
- Texas Department of Agriculture Organic Certification Program, Brandi Chandler, Texas Department of Agriculture interim coordinator for organic certification, Levelland.
- Organic Transition in North Texas Wheat Systems: Research Project, Curtis Adams, Ph.D., Texas A&M AgriLife Research crop physiologist, Vernon.
- Integrated Goat Grazing System, Justin Benavidez, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension economist, Amarillo.
- Organic Wheat Production: Grower Considerations, Justin Tuggle, Ph.D., Crop Docs Consulting, Stephenville.
- Predatory Mites for Control of Spider Mites in Texas High Plains Corn, Ed Bynum, Ph.D., retired AgriLife Extension entomologist, Amarillo.
- Entomopathogenic Nematode Studies for Control of Corn Rootworm, Pat Porter, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension entomologist, Lubbock, and Bynum.
- Crop Insurance and Farm Service Agency Programs for Organic Production, DeDe Jones, AgriLife Extension risk management program specialist, Amarillo, and Amanda Cook, FSA district director, Amarillo.
- Status of Corn Earworm Resistance to Bt Corn on the High Plains, Porter.
- Organic Production Marketing, Pancho Abello, AgriLife Extension economist, Vernon.
For more information, contact AgriLife Extension agronomist Jourdan Bell, Ph.D., Amarillo, at [email protected], or Kimura, [email protected].