The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service will offer a four-day online small-flock poultry program for home egg production.

The program will be from noon to 1 p.m. May 18-21. It is free and participants can login at any time using the password: poultry.

A chicken egg
Backyard egg production has grown in popularity, but producers should plan ahead. This online program gives good advice on starting and maintaining a small flock. (Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service photo by Adam Russell)

The program will cover information necessary to start and manage a small-scale backyard egg production.

Speakers will include Craig Coufal, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension poultry specialist, College Station, and Martin Ficken, Ph.D., Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory poultry veterinarian, Gonzalez.

Topics and speakers are as follows:  

  • May 18 – Getting your flock started, Coufal.
  • May 19 – Healthy management practices for your flock, Coufal and Ficken.
  • May 20 – How to increase egg production, Coufal.
  • May 21 – Egg handling, food safety and egg sales, Coufal.

Coufal said their focus on producing eggs at-home is due to the increased popularity of backyard chicken flocks. Participants will be able to submit questions online for the speakers to answer. 

“We just want everyone to have the best information possible so they can avoid challenges down the road,” he said. “Egg production is not complex, but there’s more likelihood of sustained success and avoiding possible pitfalls by having a good plan and starting off on the right track.”

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