AgriLife Extension hosts annual 4-H, FFA wool judging
Premier events of the Sonora Wool and Mohair Show

The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service office of Sutton County hosted the 60th National 4-H Wool Judging Contest and the 20th National Future Farmers of America Wool Judging Contest in Sonora. The events were part of the 83rd annual invitational contests for 4-H and FFA members. The June 16-17 wool event had 79 participants entered from nine Texas counties.
“The invitational contests expose youth to appropriate livestock production practices of the Edwards Plateau, such as rangeland management skills and evaluation of livestock and fleeces,” said Pascual Hernandez, AgriLife Extension agent for Sutton County. “The national 4-H and FFA wool judging contests are the premier events of the Sonora Wool and Mohair Show.”

Winners and notable results
Results of the 60th National 4-H Wool Judging Contest included:
- Champion Team: Justin Nimitz, Daniel Raab, Holt Geistweidt, Alexandria Sione and coaches Brad Roeder and Caleb Elrod; Gillespie County 4-H, with 1,781 points.
- Reserve Champion Team: David Isaac, Paige Qualia, Margaret Zuberbueller, Samuel Isaac and coaches Bill Zuberbueller and Emily Grant; Valverde County 4-H, with 1,729 points.
Results of the 20th National FFA Wool Judging Contest included:
- Champion Team: Shane Molitor, Shelton Luedke, Luke Lessing, Baylee Rogge and coaches Timbo Tatsch and Chelsea Billings; Hondo FFA, with 1,798 points.
- Reserve Champion Team: Cole Martin, Brodie Sinor, Maci McKay, Bela Jimenez and coach Matthew Huston; Plainview FFA, with 1,694 points.

“The pandemic did affect the events and registration to an extent, but we were very happy with the participation,” said Hernandez. “We thank all sponsors and cooperators and look forward to the next one.”
The event is sponsored by the Sonora Lions Club and the Sonora Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the Sonora Wool and Mohair Company, AgriLife Extension, Angelo State University and Texas A&M University.