AgriLife Research sets 2023 Angora performance test dates in Sonora
Pasture test for 2022 billies starts Dec. 13
Texas A&M AgriLife Research has announced the schedule for the 2023 Angora Goat Pasture Performance Test. This evaluation is designed to aid producers in the selection of goats that remain healthy and productive on semi-arid Texas range conditions.

The study runs from December through June and is for billy goats born in 2022. The test will be conducted by AgriLife Research at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research Station at Sonora, which is approximately 28 miles south of Sonora on Texas Highway 55.
The cost for the performance test is $110 per animal.
A test form is available online and should be brought along with consigned billies to the AgriLife Research Station at Sonora on Dec. 13. All checks should be made payable to Texas A&M AgriLife Research.
“This test provides a robust analysis of Angora billy kids’ ability to perform under range conditions typical of West Central Texas,” said Reid Redden, Ph.D., Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service sheep and goat specialist and Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center director, San Angelo.
“Goats that perform well for traits such as growth, mohair production, cedar intake and parasite resistance will be used by Angora breeders to improve herd genetic potential.”
The $110 consignment fee includes shearing, fiber analysis on a fleece core sample, near infrared spectroscopy or NIRS, juniper prediction, parasite testing, pasture use, labor, feed and miscellaneous supplies.
Angora test schedule, program details
The tentative test schedule for 2022 billies is as follows:
- Delivery and consignor meeting — Dec. 13, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
- Initial weigh day and shearing — Feb. 17, 8:30-11:30 a.m.
- Final weigh day and shearing — June 28, 7:30-11:30 a.m.
Redden said all animals should be inspected at home prior to arrival. Goats that have evidence of contagious disease, such as caseous lymphadenitis, will not be allowed to participate.
Centralized testing of Angora goats has been offered by Texas A&M AgriLife since 2001, with testing on pasture since 2014.
Past test results and test summaries can be found at: