Trevor King, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service 4-H and youth development, Smith County. (Courtesy photo)

TYLER – After three years in Gregg County, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service 4-H and youth development agent Trevor King, will join the AgriLife Extension office in Smith County in the same position effective June 1. 

King said he was thankful for the experience and knowledge he gained while working in Gregg County and he looks forward to working with youth in Smith County.

“My time in Gregg County was great,” he said. “This is an opportunity to build on my experience in a bigger county. I look forward to the challenge.”

King established an Agriculture of Science Day for Kilgore Independent School District during his time in Gregg County. He also instructed elementary students on the Learn, Grow, Eat and Go! school gardening program and hatching chicken eggs in the classroom, which teaches children the stages of growth and development, as well as other early education AgriLife Extension curriculum.

In Smith County, King said he hopes to continue those efforts with a focus on providing youth leadership opportunities including various project areas and livestock judging.

“I have more of a background in animals, and I think we can do more to help students with livestock projects,” he said. “I am looking forward to that aspect.”

King earned a bachelor’s degree in agriculture communications with a minor in animal science from Texas Tech University.

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