After more than 7 years of state-wide testing, the Texas A&M University Agriculture Program has designated the lacey oak tree as the newest Texas Superstar.

“Lacey oak is a beautiful, small- to medium-size deciduous tree with a minor identity problem, being known alternately as Quercus laceyi or Quercus glaucoides,” said Dr. Mike Arnold, associate professor of landscape horticulture at Texas A&M University. “Most folks simply call it lacey oak, but other common names it has worn over time include blue oak, canyon oak, encino robie, mountain oak, smoky oak and rock oak.”

Most of these refer to the tough growing conditions in central and south Texas where this species resides, Arnold said, or are related to its handsome blue-green foliage.

Regardless of the name, this plant has much to offer as a landscape plant in its native Texas, he said.

“Leaves expand as a soft pink color, turning a handsome blue-green as they mature, lending the plant an intriguing smoky air. The foliage is seldom bothered by insects or disease. Fall color varies from brown to yellow.”

Growth habit varies according to local environment, with the most common size being 30-35 feet in height and spread, he added.

Lacey oaks display a picturesque irregularly rounded crown atop a stoutish trunk. These attributes, along with a textured gray bark, make this tree “a handsome addition to Texas landscapes, resembling a miniature white oak, but of tougher constitution,” Arnold said.

Once established, lacey oak is also highly tolerant of heat, drought and high pH soils. Full sun to light afternoon shade with morning sun are the best exposures. Lacey oak will survive on well-drained clay soils, but it grows best on well-drained limestone soils.

“Although lacey oak can be grown in East Texas, it is best adapted to the Hill Country and cultivated settings in West Texas,” Arnold said. “Cold tolerance has not been fully documented for lacey oak, but based on regional plantings, it should be suitable for use in USDA zones 7 (perhaps protected spots in 6b) through 9.”

But even superstars have limits. Research has shown limitations for lacey oak include an intolerance to poorly drained soils, a moderate growth rate and a tendency to need some initial minor pruning. Growth and landscape appeal in high rainfall areas will be enhanced if the trees are planted on raised beds or berms.

Arnold noted that landscape utilization of lacey oak might include placement as a specimen plant, small- to medium-size lawn or shade tree, or as a shade tree for a patio. Lacy oaks work well in native Texas landscapes and naturalized plantings where the acorns can serve as a wildlife attractant, and in Xeriscapes or low-water use landscapes, he said.

“For a bit of the unusual, try growing lacey oak as a specimen in large containers to accent courtyards or entryways to large buildings,” Arnold said. “The picturesque growth habit of this species would be accentuated if it were used as a bonsai plant.

“Lacey oak deserves frequent consideration when discussing smaller shade trees that will stay in scale with residential landscapes. This beautiful tree will add a touch of the Texas hill country to your urban landscape.”

The Texas Superstar effort is a horticultural research and Extension program of Texas A&M.

“This cooperative program combines the expertise of university and industry leaders in the identification of superior landscape plants for Texas, and their subsequent introduction in the marketplace,” said Steve George, Extension horticulturist at Texas A&M Dallas and leader of the Texas Superstar Program.

To identify such plants, the Agriculture Program at Texas A&M conducts extensive horticultural field trials, during which the plants are never sprayed with any pesticide.