Texas A&M AgriLife’s Supply Chain Defense Distinguished Lecture Series will feature a discussion on food and markets in the post-COVID era during its Oct. 7 lecture.

The lecture series will address a wide variety of foods as are displayed here, including vegetables, fruits, nuts and meats displayed on a counter
Lecture series to address a variety of food supply and marketing issues.

“This lecture series is designed to get our researchers and Department of Homeland Security staff all working together on issues of importance concerning our supply chains and trading partners,” said Greg Pompelli, Ph.D., director of the Texas A&M AgriLife-led Center of Excellence for Cross-Border Threat Screening and Supply Chain Defense Center, or CBTS. The center is a Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Center of Excellence.

The CBTS is tasked with maintaining a portfolio of research, development, test, evaluation and transition programs consisting of biological threat screening, detection and characterization targeted at improving the resiliency of supply chains and the homeland security enterprise, Pompelli said.

As a part of that task, this summer the CBTS initiated a Supply Chain Defense Distinguished Lecture Series.

Lecture series grows interest

“We started the series as an informal opportunity to share ideas within a group of researchers focused on COVID-19,” Pompelli said. “We soon realized that many others wanted to participate. At that point we created the series and removed the COVID-19 anchor to its name because the speakers address broader issues.”

He said so far, those attending have primarily been DHS staff and their operational partners, as well as the research community, but that could change in the future as the series grows in popularity.

The first speakers focused on food and agriculture. Going forward, speakers will discuss supply chains and trade issues beyond food and agriculture, Pompelli said.

Speaking from 11 a.m.-noon on Oct. 7 will be Jack Bobo, the CEO of Futurity, who will share his insights and ideas about food and markets in the post-COVID era. Bobo is an internationally recognized food futurist and speaker who has given more than 400 presentations in 50 countries. Scientific American named Bobo one of the 100 most influential people in biotechnology.

Pompelli said attendance is growing by word of mouth and anyone who receives an announcement or has one forwarded by a colleague can join the series and participate. Currently there is no online registration and the series is free.

The CBTS website is under construction, but more information will be posted there as it becomes available for those interested in future sessions in the series.

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