Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service experts have launched two new podcast series: “Bugs by the Yard,” which covers insects found in Texas yards and gardens, and “Unwanted Guests,” which covers insects and other pests in homes and buildings.

Bugs by the Yard will discuss things like this butterfly, which floats over a man's open palm
Pollinators are one of the topics covered in the “Bugs by the Yard” podcast. (Texas A&M AgriLife photo by Susan Himes)

“It started with a podcast where Dr. Erfan Vafaie, AgriLife Extension integrated pest management specialist in Overton, was interviewing other entomologists,” said Wizzie Brown, AgriLife Extension entomologist for Travis County. “Erfan has a voice for radio and also has done stand-up comedy. From there it evolved to a group of us working together to launch two unique podcasts centered around insects and pests.”

Brown said the podcasts are for anyone with an interest in insects or a pest problem.

Bugs by the yard

The landscape podcast “Bugs by the Yard” is hosted by Vafaie; Molly Keck, AgriLife Extension entomologist for Bexar County; and Brown.

It can be found at https://bugs-by-the-yard.captivate.fm/ or by searching your preferred podcast provider.

There are four podcasts currently available, with the team creating a new one every several weeks. Topics covered so far include an introduction to the entomologists, insects and winter survival, pollinator gardening and insects in vegetable gardens.

Unwanted guests

The structural podcast “Unwanted Guests” is hosted by Robert Puckett, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension entomologist, Bryan-College Station; Janet Hurley, AgriLife Extension integrated pest management specialist, Dallas; Keck and Brown.

“This podcast covers those unwanted guests in your home or building,” said Hurley. “We’ll be focusing on the insects and pests you’d prefer not to find in or around your structures.”

The first episode of “Unwanted Guests” was recently recorded and will be available on May 5 through podcast platforms like iTunes.

Future podcast topics will include fire ants and a two-part podcast on turf pests.

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