Prevent the spread of tree pests and diseases by not moving firewood
Oak wilt and wood borers can devastate tree populations
The Texas A&M Forest Service urges all Texans, and especially outdoor enthusiasts, to help reduce the spread of oak wilt and wood borers by taking preventive measures and being cautious when collecting and purchasing firewood.

As Texans travel for hunting or camping trips, they may unknowingly be bringing deadly, invasive pests and diseases along through their firewood.
Many impactful tree-killing pests present in Texas forests live and breed inside firewood. Some wood borers, such as the invasive emerald ash borer and redbay ambrosia beetle, have caused devastating impacts, practically wiping out entire tree species from some regions of the country. The emerald ash borer, currently present in north and northeastern Texas, has already killed millions of ash trees across the eastern U.S.
The redbay ambrosia beetle keeps spreading west, killing redbay and sassafras trees along the way. Similarly, native pathogens such as oak wilt, have killed oak trees in Central Texas in epidemic proportions.
Avoid transport or firewood
Each of these forest pests cause severe ecological and economic impacts over time. While they can all spread on their own, accidental transport by humans can move them greater distances, sometimes quickly jumping state and county lines.
Firewood is one of the main ways many of these pests are moved, regardless of age or seasoning. Even wood that looks clean and healthy may still have insect eggs or fungal spores that can start new infestations.
“We can all limit the spread of forest pests,” said Demian Gomez, Texas A&M Forest Service regional forest health coordinator. “The best rule of thumb is to burn the firewood close to where it’s bought or picked up. Moving firewood can easily introduce insects and diseases to new areas, particularly during hunting or camping seasons.”
For diseases like oak wilt, not transporting firewood is critical. Transporting and storing diseased wood, particularly from red oaks, can spread oak wilt fungal spores to previously uninfected neighborhoods and properties. Because live oaks tend to grow in large, dense groups, oak wilt spreads quickly and one infected tree can lead to large patches of dead and dying trees.
While firewood is an important commodity in the fall and winter, Texans can help prevent the spread of these pests and diseases by purchasing, collecting and burning firewood locally.
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