Paul Schattenberg, 210-859-5752, [email protected]

Contact: David Rodriguez, 210-631-0400, [email protected]

SAN ANTONIO – The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service in Bexar County is now taking applications for its Master Gardener Intern Training Class No. 61 in San Antonio.

“Master Gardener volunteer training is conducted by AgriLife Extension for adults interested in gardening, horticulture and related topics,” said David Rodriguez, AgriLife Extension agent for horticulture in Bexar County who oversees the program.

The Bexar County Master Gardener program is accepting applications for its next intern training, which will be from
The Bexar County Master Gardener program is accepting applications for its next intern training, which will take place  Wednesdays from Feb. 22 to May 24 in San Antonio. (Texas A&M AgriLife Extension service photo)

Currently there are more than 400 certified Master Gardener volunteers in the Bexar County Master Gardener program.

Rodriguez said classes will be conducted from noon–4 p.m. each Wednesday from Feb. 22 to May 24, 2017 unless otherwise noted. Instruction will be given in Suite 208 of the AgriLife Extension offices, located in the Conroy Square office complex at 3355 Cherry Ridge Drive.

Master Gardener classes address topics ranging from plant growth and development to plant diseases, insects, soils, and basic landscaping and garden design.

Individuals who complete the training become certified Master Gardeners and assist AgriLife Extension through community education in horticulture, Rodriguez said. Volunteer hours may be applied to a variety of approved projects discussed during training.

He added submission of an application is not automatic acceptance into the class.

“Acceptance to the class is based on the person’s willingness to volunteer and the completeness of their application,” Rodriguez said. “Master Gardeners support the community by providing information and advice on gardening and landscaping, providing technical assistance, supporting the local green industry and being involved in a variety of horticulture-related community service projects.”

Interns completing classroom training and passing the final exam will be required to complete a minimum of 50 hours of volunteer service toward youth and/or adult education outreach their first year, and 30 hours annually thereafter.

Class size is limited to 30 participants and the deadline for submitting the application is Feb. 3.

A registration fee of $260 is payable in full on the first day of class. If the applicant withdraws prior to March 1, a processing fee of $100 will be administered. No refunds will be issued after that date.

Applications are available online at If unable to submit the application through the website, a completed application can be printed from the site and faxed to Angel Torres at 210-631-0429 or mailed to Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, Attn: Angel Torres, 3355 Cherry Ridge Dr., Suite 212, San Antonio, Texas 78230-4818.

“A background check is required on all applicants participating in the Master Gardener program and will be done on the first day of class,” he said.

For more information, contact Torres at 210-631-0400.

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