Annie’s Project for agribusiness women opens March 4 in Plainview
Workshop offers 18 hours of programming, networking with other women in agriculture
The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service will hold Annie’s Project-Education for Women in Agriculture, a nationally acclaimed, six-week workshop tailored toward women in agriculture, from March 4 to April 15 in Plainview.

The workshop will be held on Tuesdays from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at the AgriLife Extension office in Hale County, 222 Broadway St., Suite 6. The workshop will not be held on March 18 due to Spring Break.
The cost is $75, which includes dinner, equipment and materials used in the workshop. Online registration is available at The deadline to register is March 3.
“Our target audience is women passionate about agribusiness,” said DeDe Jones, AgriLife Extension risk management specialist and program coordinator, Department of Agricultural Economics, Amarillo.
About the workshop
The workshop offers 18 hours of education and networking with other women in agriculture.
- March 4 — Class introduction and family financial management, Jason Johnson, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension economist for management and associate professor, Texas A&M Department of Agricultural Economics, Stephenville.
- March 11 — Farm policy and crop insurance, Natalie Graff, Ph.D., research assistant professor, Texas A&M Food and Ag Policy Center, Department of Agricultural Economics, Bryan-College Station; Rachel Myers, Myers Crop Insurance, Claude.
- March 25 — Human resource and financial risk management, Arianne Chavez, controller, AgriVision Farm Management, Hartley; Brenda Heymer, Heymer Management Accounting Services, Amarillo.
- April 1 — Legal/liability risk management, Tiffany Lashmet, J.D., AgriLife Extension agricultural law specialist and professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Amarillo.
- April 8 — Mental health and AgriLife Extension programs, Miquela Smith, AgriLife Extension health program specialist in the Disaster Assessment and Recovery unit, Lubbock; Jones.
- April 15 — Marketing and production, Donna Hughes, senior risk management consultant, Stone X, Abilene.
About Annie’s Project
Annie’s Project is a nationally awarded workshop series for women focused on farm and ranch management and dynamic decision-making in the complex world of agriculture.
The mission is to empower farm women to be better business partners by networking and managing and organizing critical information. The target audience is women with a passion and/or involvement in agribusiness.