Event Advances
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Row crop conference set for Jan. 27 in Hondo
Kicks off growing season for corn, cotton and sorghum in the Winter Garden
AgriLife Extension to host ‘Grow It Cook It’ program beginning Jan. 24 in Fredericksburg
Three-class series will cover onions, green beans and melons
Leveraging PowerPay: An Extension Tool for Debt Management webinar slated for Jan. 28
Participants will learn the key elements of an effective debt repayment plan
Professional Landscape Maintenance conference slated for Jan. 24 in Tyler
Program includes demonstration on proper pruning techniques
AgriLife Extension to host pre-plant meeting in Randall County on Jan. 22
Agenda includes updates on cotton, wheat, corn and sorghum silage, and crop production trials and studies
Private water well screenings set for Jan. 17-18 in Goliad
Residents are invited to water well screenings and results meeting
Registration open for Birding the Border set for May 1-4 in Del Rio
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service program provides unprecedented opportunities for birders of all skill levels
East Region AgriLife Conference and Expo slated for Jan. 7 in Tyler
Participants can earn multiple continuing education units
Cooking with Cultures class scheduled for Jan. 7 in Waco
Participants will learn about nutrition, food safety and healthy cooking techniques
40th annual Fort Bend Regional Vegetable Conference slated for Feb. 6 in Rosenberg
Event will focus on teaching sustainable practices to help producers maximize efficiencies, profitability
Youth Adventure Program entomology camp slated for July 13-18 at Texas A&M
Students will learn about how insects interact with their environments and different careers in the field of entomology
44th annual Cow-Calf Clinic will be Jan. 9 in Cameron
Event provides Central Texas beef producers with proactive and valuable educational opportunity
Professional food manager training set for Jan. 14-15 in Lubbock
Certification course covers safe food preparation, handling and serving
Do Well Be Well with Diabetes scheduled for Thursdays in January in Waco
Participants gain knowledge to maintain healthy blood glucose level while living an active lifestyle
63rd Blackland Income Growth Conference on Jan. 7-8 to address key commodity trends
Waco conference held in conjunction with Mid-Tex Farm and Ranch Show
Beef Cattle Short Course slated for Jan. 14 in San Antonio
Participants can choose from three concurrent sessions
Generation Next: Our Turn to Ranch online course now registering
12-week AgriLife Extension agriculture business and land management course begins Jan. 27
Virtual Texas Fruit Conference set for Jan. 10
Ageism and uncovering hidden biases focus of Dec. 19 webinar
Course will explore impact of ageism, provide strategies for recognizing and addressing age-related biases