Central Texas Small Grain Field Day will be on April 18 in McGregor
Event features talks on small grain pest management, commodity market updates
The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service will host the annual Central Texas Small Grain Field Day on April 18 in McGregor.

The field day begins at the Kevin Huffman field, 1.9 miles east of McGregor on U.S. Highway 84. Registration and check-in will begin at 7:30 a.m., and the program will conclude at 2 p.m.
Registration is $10. and Rre-register is required by calling the office at 254-757-5180 or emailing Nicole Kosier at [email protected] by April 8.
Continuing education units offered
The program will offer a total of two Texas Department of Agriculture continuing education units, including one integrated pest management and one optional integrated pest management unit during an afternoon session.
A total of 5 1/2 certified crop adviser continuing education units will be available, including 2 1/2 integrated pest management units and three crop management units.
A breakfast and a tenderloin steak tip lunch will be provided.
Program agenda
The field day will feature the following topics and speakers:
- Small grain variety tour – Brandon Gerrish, AgriLife Extension state small grain specialist and assistant professor in the Department of Soil and Crop Sciences, Bryan-College Station.
- Small grain insect scouting report – Mark Nemec, agriculture consultant, MJN Consulting, Woodway.
- Commodity market update – Mark Welch, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension economist-grain marketing and professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics, Bryan-College Station.
- Small grain update – Gerrish.
- Agriculture applications with drone demonstration – Jnani Matson, founder/president, Vortex Advantage Ag, Alvarado.
- Sponsor introductions.