The six-part Earth-Kind Weekend Gardener Series will begin March 22 in San Antonio and run every other Friday through June 7.

A shrub in The Gardens. The Earth-Kind Weekend Gardener Series in San Antonio will show participants how to plant gardens and landscapes that are sustainable and environmentally friendly.
The Earth-Kind Weekend Gardener Series in San Antonio will show participants how to plant gardens and landscapes that are sustainable and environmentally friendly. The series will begin on March 22 and run every other Friday until June 7. (Texas A&M AgriLife photo by Laura McKenzie)

The sessions will be from 2-4 p.m. at the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service office in Bexar County, 3355 Cherry Ridge Drive, Suite 208. Registration cost is $20 per session, or $60 for the series. Preregistration is required at

Each session will teach participants how to maximize their gardens while preserving and protecting the environment by using less resources, such as soil and water. David Rodriguez, AgriLife Extension horticulture agent in Bexar County, and certified Master Gardeners will present the program.

Rodriguez said the sessions are ideal for new gardeners and seasoned gardeners, homeowners, Master Gardeners and green industry professionals.

Course dates, topics

  • March 22: It all starts with the soil.
  • April 5: Spring vegetable gardening: Tomatoes and more.
  • April 19: Turfgrass 101: It’s more than just mowing.
  • May 10: The home fruit orchard.
  • May 24: Herbs for the modern-day homeowner.
  • June 7: The Texas Superstar program: What it is, summer color plant suggestions and their benefits.

Earth-Kind plants

Earth-Kind plants limit the amount of fertilizers, pesticides and water needed to succeed. All plants with the AgriLife Extension Earth-Kind designation help preserve and protect natural resources and the environment.

For more information, contact Rodriguez at 210-631-0400 or [email protected].


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