Medina River watershed protection meeting set for Oct. 15 in Castroville
Local stakeholders can learn about, help improve water quality in the Medina River below Medina Diversion Lake

The Texas Water Resources Institute, TWRI, will host a stakeholder meeting for the Medina River Below Medina Diversion Lake Watershed Protection Plan on Oct. 15 in Castroville.
The free, public meeting will be from 1-3 p.m. at the Braden Keller Community Center, 1410 Amelia St.
This meeting will begin covering the final components of the plan to address water quality impairments in the watershed.
“The watershed protection plan is being developed to address elevated bacteria concentrations in the Lower Medina River and Medio Creek,” said Tina Hendon, TWRI program specialist, Bryan-College Station. “The watershed is still largely rural, but it is experiencing rapid urbanization. Both urban and rural sources of bacteria will be addressed through the watershed plan.”
Seeking watershed plan input
Hendon said the meeting will provide stakeholders an opportunity to review and discuss how the plan will be implemented.
“The watershed plan will be carried out over the next several years,” she said. “We’re encouraging citizens of the region to attend these meetings, to ensure appropriate and desirable management measures are included.”
The institute is coordinating this project with the San Antonio River Authority. Funding is provided through a federal Clean Water Act Section 319(h) grant, administered by the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board, from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
TWRI is a unit of Texas A&M AgriLife Research that brings together expertise from across The Texas A&M University System.
For more information, contact Hendon at [email protected] or Patricia Carvajal, San Antonio River Authority, at [email protected]. Read more about the watershed at