Newsom Grape Day will be April 26 in Plains
Latest production practices to be highlighted

Newsom Vineyards, along with members from the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, will host Newsom Grape Day on April 26 in Plains.
This free event will be from 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. at Newsom Vineyards, located at 1611 State Highway 2196. An RSVP is required for an accurate head count for lunch. To RSVP, go to
There will be one Texas Department of Agriculture integrated pest management continuing education unit available. Lunch will be provided at no cost, and a vendor and equipment showcase will be held during the morning break.
Event features grape, wine industry experts
Since 1986, Newsom Grape Day has emerged as a vital event for the Texas wine industry, attracting grape growers, wineries and industry professionals from across the state and beyond. It will feature presentations ranging from grape cultivation to expanding wine businesses and the latest emerging industry trends.
Participants will also be able to ask speakers questions during a final sit-and-chat session.
Program agenda
Featured topics and speakers include:
- Current and future viticulture research in the Texas High Plains — Patrick O’Brien, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension viticulture specialist and assistant professor in the Texas A&M Department of Horticultural Sciences, Lubbock.
- Tapping the U.S. Hispanic community to grow your wine brand —Rafael Ruiz, Ph.D., Alta Casta Group chief executive officer, Lubbock.
- Approaches for the continued production of high-quality grapes — Amit Dhingra, Ph.D., Department of Horticultural Sciences professor and department head, Bryan-College Station.
- Newsom Vineyards history — Nolan Newsom, Newsom Vineyards owner, Plains.
- Spray coverage under netted conditions — Kirk Williams, Texas Tech University Department of Plant and Soil Science senior teacher, Lubbock.
- The Newsom twist trellis system — Quinton Muennink, Apical Texas vineyard manager, Brownfield.
- Grapevine pest and disease management — Daniel Hillin, AgriLife Extension viticulture specialist, Lubbock.
For more information, contact Hillin at 806-746-6101 or [email protected].