Plantastic Vegetable Gardening Seminar set for Feb. 23 in Fredericksburg
Event is open to new and experienced gardeners
The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service and the Hill Country Master Gardeners will host the sixth annual Plantastic Vegetable Gardening Seminar on Feb. 23 in Fredericksburg.

The event will be held from 8:30 a.m.-3:35 p.m. at the AgriLife Extension office for Gillespie County, 38 Business Court. Registration is $40 with lunch, $30 for people pre-registered with no lunch, and $30 for walk-ins with no lunch.
To register, visit The deadline for online registration is Feb. 21.
Contact Beth McMahon, AgriLife Extension horticulture agent for Gillespie County, at 830-997-3452 for more information.
The event is geared toward both new gardeners who want to learn how to start growing vegetables and experienced vegetable gardeners who want to learn on the newest trends. The programs are also open to both organic and conventional gardening types.
Seminar sessions and topics
The two sessions will be led by Joe Masabni, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension small-acreage horticulturist at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center in Dallas and professor in the Department of Horticultural Sciences.
The morning session will include hydroponic and organic gardening. In the afternoon, there will be breakout sessions on the following topics:
- Tomatoes.
- Texas Permaculture Ecosystem.
- Good Bugs and Troublemakers.
- Herbs in your Vegetable Garden.
- Growing Onions and Garlic.
There will also be a lightning round session that will focus on heat and drought in vegetable gardening. The topics will be:
- Gardening Disasters.
- Vegetables for Heat.
- Conserving Water in Vegetable Gardens.
A seedling table to test people’s ability to identify the various vegetable seedlings will also be available, and door prizes will be given at the conclusion of the event.