The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Healthy Lawns and Healthy Waters Program will host a residential rainwater harvesting and turf management training on Oct. 3 for Kendall County in Comfort.

Garden stone path with grass growing up between the stones
Residents in Kendall County are invited to a free workshop on rainwater harvesting and turf management on Oct. 3 in Comfort. (Healthy Lawns Healthy Waters)

The free event will be at the City of Comfort Public Library, 701 High St., from 1-5 p.m.

Participants can RSVP at or by contacting John Smith, AgriLife Extension program specialist in the Department of Soil and Crop Sciences, Bryan-College Station, at 979-204-0573 or [email protected]. Attendees who RSVP will receive updates and training materials via email.

The training is offered in collaboration with the Upper Cibolo Creek Watershed Partnership.

“The Healthy Lawns and Healthy Waters program aims to improve and protect surface water quality by enhancing awareness and knowledge of best management practices for residential landscapes,” Smith said.

Residential landscape best practices on the agenda

Participants will learn about the design and installation of residential rainwater harvesting systems and appropriate turf and landscape species based on local conditions and other best practices.

“Management practices such as using irrigation delivery equipment, interpreting soil test results and understanding nutrient applications can help reduce runoff and make efficient use of applied landscape irrigation water,” Smith said.

“Proper fertilizer application and efficient water irrigation can protect and improve water quality in area creeks, and collecting rainwater for lawn and landscape needs reduces stormwater runoff,” said Dean Minchillo, Texas Water Resources Institute program specialist, Dallas.

Ryan Bass, watershed coordinator for the Upper Cibolo Creek watershed, will also discuss updates on their activities to improve and protect water quality in this watershed during the event.

Soil testing part of program

Residents can also have their soil tested as part of the program. The training will include information on understanding soil test results and nutrient recommendations to help interpret results once the analysis is mailed to them.

Sample bags and testing are free to program participants. Residents can pick up bags, sampling instructions and the Urban and Homeowner Soil Sample Information Form at the AgriLife Extension office for Kendall County, 210 E. San Antonio Ave. No. 9, Boerne.

Bags containing residents’ soil samples should be returned to the same location prior to the training or by Oct. 10. Soil samples may also be brought to the training. Do not mail the soil sample to the lab.

Samples will be sent to the AgriLife Extension Soil, Water and Forage Testing Lab in College Station for routine analysis, including micronutrients, pH, conductivity, nitrate-nitrogen and other parameters.

Funding for the program is provided in part by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality through a Clean Water Act 319(h) grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

The project is managed by the Texas Water Resources Institute, a unit of Texas A&M AgriLife Research that combines expertise across the agencies of Texas A&M AgriLife.

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