Crop and Weather

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September 5, 2024

Alternative crops offer options when weather doesn’t cooperate

Texas Crop and Weather Report

August 27, 2024

Texas hunting season outlook positive based on timely rains

Texas Crop and Weather Report

August 20, 2024

Cotton crop faring better than past two drought years

Texas Crop and Weather Report

August 13, 2024

Texas ranchers optimistic amid slow beef herd rebuild

Texas Crop and Weather Report

August 6, 2024

Rio Grande Valley agriculture faces water uncertainty

Texas Crop and Weather Report

Green rice trail fields in Beaumont, Texas. A worker stands in the fields with several grain silos in the background.
July 30, 2024

Texas rice outlook still questionable after Hurricane Beryl

Texas Crop and Weather Report

Tall grain crops are silhouetted against a blue sky and bright sun.
July 23, 2024

Insect pressure remains intense, corn leafhopper reach expanding

Texas Crop and Weather Report

July 16, 2024

Hurricane Beryl winds damage some crops, others benefit from rain

Texas Crop and Weather Report

Two individuals hold a net containing a large group of catfish at water surface.
July 9, 2024

Texas catfish industry remains stable despite challenges

Texas Crop and Weather Report

July 2, 2024

Texas dairy sees low milk prices, shifts in consumer demand

Texas Crop and Weather Report

June 25, 2024

Wheat harvest struggling across the state

Texas Crop and Weather Report

Texas watermelons in cardboard crates.
June 18, 2024

Heat makes for sweet watermelons, very good yields

Texas Crop and Weather Report

Cluster of heirloom tomatoes
June 18, 2024

How to store tomatoes

Tips to keep tomatoes, from ‘breakers’ to ripened red

June 11, 2024

Texas agriculture a tale of rainfall haves and have-nots

Texas Crop and Weather Report - June 11, 2024

June 4, 2024

Blackberries, blueberries, other fruits contribute to Texas agriculture

Texas Crop and Weather Report – June 4, 2024

A man rides a brown horse across rangelands with a few buildings visible in the distance.
May 29, 2024

Rangeland conditions vary across state based on moisture, precipitation outlook

Texas Crop and Weather Report  - May 29, 2024

May 21, 2024

Sorghum producers battle weather to make a crop

Texas Crop and Weather Report – May 21, 2024

Close up of woman holding beef in grocery store.
May 14, 2024

Grilling season kicks off with high but stable meat prices

Texas Crop and Weather Report

May 7, 2024

Rainfall setting up favorable Texas hay prospects

Texas Crop and Weather Report – May 7, 2024

Brown and white goats in a pen with hay on the floor.
April 30, 2024

Demand for meat goats continues to grow

Texas Crop and Weather Report – April 30, 2024