AgriLife Extension seeks recruits for public health, wellness education
Training for Bexar County Jan. 20-Feb. 10
Writer: Paul Schattenberg, 210-859-5752, [email protected]
Contact: Angie Gutierrez, 210-631-0400, [email protected]
SAN ANTONIO – The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service in Bexar County is looking for volunteers to educate the public on health and nutrition through their Master Wellness Volunteer program and has set up dates for volunteer training.
The Master Wellness Volunteer program is an AgriLife Extension initiative that provides volunteers with 40 hours of training in health and nutrition education. In return, the volunteers agree to give back 40 hours of service.
Volunteers will receive a combination of face-to-face classroom training and online instruction. Classroom training will be from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Jan. 20 and Feb. 10, with online study in the weeks between.
Classroom training will be in Suite 208 of the AgriLife Extension office in the Conroy Square office complex, 3355 Cherry Ridge Drive in San Antonio.
The fee is $25 for students and $75 for all others. Lunch is included. To register online, go to
“The Master Wellness Volunteer program allows those who have a passion for health and wellness to share that passion with others via worksite wellness programs, community events and more,” said Angie Gutierrez, AgriLife Extension family and community health agent, Bexar County. “Through this program, attendees will obtain knowledge and skills to live a healthier lifestyle and will get the tools to encourage others to do the same.”
Gutierrez said AgriLife Extension is known statewide as a provider of information and guidance on various health issues and the agency hopes to recruit and train more Master Wellness Volunteers to help address health issues affecting Texans.
“People from all walks of life volunteer, including homemakers, students, civic leaders, worksite wellness coordinators and retirees,” she said. “Volunteer opportunities are diverse and include giving presentations for local community groups, assisting with cooking schools, judging at food shows and distributing information at health fairs.”
For more information, contact Erika Alaman, AgriLife Extension health and wellness educator at 210-631-0400 or [email protected]; or Frances Moreno-Elizondo at 210-631-0400 or [email protected].