The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service will present another in its series of online sessions related to early childhood development on July 10.

Child educator with child wearing toy hard hat
The July 10 early childhood educator online training will address safe sleep, medication, guidance and more.

The program will be from 9 a.m. to noon on the Microsoft Teams platform. It will provide three hours of annual training aligned with Texas’ minimum standards for child care. 

“July’s virtual mini-conference theme is Meeting Basic Needs,” said Jodi Nerren, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension specialist – early childhood health and safety, Bryan-College Station. “The July online program will include sessions on safe sleep practices, medication administration, positive guidance and discipline.”

The cost is $25. To register for this program and see upcoming mini-conference sessions, go to

Upon completing registration and payment, participants will receive an email containing two attachments — a receipt and a registration confirmation. Instructions on how to access the online program will be provided in the confirmation.

Nerren said Early Childhood Educator Training Program monthly sessions are part of AgriLife Extension’s first-ever statewide mini-conference series on the subject. The sessions are broadcast monthly in real time. 

About the monthly sessions

Attendees must register to participate in each training session they choose to attend.

“The sessions have been developed for child care professionals and are designed to provide them with the information they need to succeed as early childhood educators,” Nerren said. “And while they are targeted at early childhood professionals, they are open to anyone interested in early childhood education.”

She said each session focuses on a different aspect of early care and education aligned with the minimum standards from the Texas Health and Human Services Child Care Regulation program. Speakers include subject matter experts from across the state, including AgriLife Extension specialists and agents and community partners.

In addition to these instructor-led trainings, the agency’s Child Care Online Training website offers a wide variety of self-instructional online child care training courses to support continuing education and early childhood professional development needs.

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