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September 4, 2024

When do I plant wildflower seeds for stunning spring blooms?

From bluebonnets to Indian paintbrushes, planting in fall is key

August 28, 2024

Equine owners advised to act against EEE

Texas A&M AgriLife veterinarian recommends vaccinations to protect horses from mosquito-borne disease

July 31, 2024

Are you a mosquito magnet? Science says you might be

AgriLife Extension entomologist talks mosquito menu preferences

July 9, 2024

What really happens when you get a sunburn?

Cell injury researcher answers burning questions on the science behind sunburns

July 8, 2024

Livestock, humans at risk of painful bites as horse fly populations increase

Rainfall fueling above-normal infestations of these relentless pests

July 3, 2024

Hurricane preparedness for families

Start now with a plan, assemble hurricane 'go bag'

July 2, 2024

Tips to avoid heat exhaustion, heatstroke

AgriLife Extension experts warn outdoor activity requires greater precautions in heat

A cut open green and red watermelon sitting on top of other water melons and surrounded by other fruits all laying on a table.
June 27, 2024

Three tips to pick out a sweet watermelon

A ripe watermelon can be a mouthwatering juicy snack for your family on a hot summer day

June 25, 2024

Beef Grades 101: Select, Choice or Prime?

Texas A&M meat science expert provides tips to, picking out perfect steak.

A woman sets up a water bowl for her dog.
June 11, 2024

Protect pets during the dog days of summer

Texas A&M AgriLife experts share considerations for summer heat safety

May 6, 2024

Texas tarantula tango: Understanding their annual hunt for food, love

Getting to know these gentle giants and why they are on the move

May 1, 2024

Dog owners encouraged to be aware of heartworm risk as temperatures rise

Risk of heartworm transmission rises as mosquitoes become more active

A field of corn with a barn in the distance
April 23, 2024

Corn crop conditions improve as acres and prices decline

Texas Crop and Weather Report – April 23, 2024

A squirrel with a small radio collar
April 19, 2024

Scholarly squirrels: Exploring the dynamics of campus wildlife

Ongoing project will provide undergraduate wildlife students with hands-on field experiences

April 19, 2024

Breaking down pollution

Study investigates biological degradation of PFAS in waste

March 25, 2024

Impacting Texans’ lives as a neurosurgeon, legislator and medical volunteer

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences former student Rep. Greg Bonnen ’88, M.D., awarded the Distinguished Alumnus Award

January 30, 2024

From moon ‘dust’ to moon ‘soil’

Texas A&M graduate student grows chickpeas in amended moondust

December 13, 2023

What is that fuzzy black caterpillar?

Woollybear caterpillar makes its seasonal journey to overwinter