Algae: Identification and control webinar March 19
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service program provides overview of algae species and management methods
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service experts will present the webinar “Algae: Identification and Control” from 6-7:30 p.m. on March 19.

Cost is $35, and advanced registration is required at The webinar offers one integrated pest management continuing education unit for pesticide applicators in Texas.
Understanding your pond’s ecosystem
The featured speaker will be Brittany Chesser, AgriLife Extension aquatic vegetation program specialist and lead diagnostic scientist at AgriLife Extension’s Aquatic Diagnostics Laboratory, Bryan-College Station.
Chesser said algae play a critical role in a pond’s ecosystem, but an imbalance or presence of certain species can be unattractive and potentially harmful.
“Algal overgrowth is one of the most common issues pond owners face, especially during our warmer months,” she said.
Webinar participants will learn how to identify the main groups of algae and understand their role in a pond’s ecosystem. Specific mechanical, biological and chemical control options used to keep algal levels at a healthy balance will also be covered.
Because copper-based algaecides are some of the most common products used to treat algae in ponds, Chesser said the webinar will address how to correctly calculate copper-based treatments for effective control and treatment timing.
A 30-minute Q&A session will conclude the hourlong webinar.
For more information, contact Chesser at [email protected].