Disaster Preparedness

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April 21, 2020

Tax-free holiday for emergency preparedness supplies

Texans can take emergency planning ‘to the bank’ on Emergency Preparation Supplies Sales Tax Holiday

Texas A&M AgriLife logo
March 16, 2020

Coronavirus: Texas A&M AgriLife utilizes statewide network to help in prevention of COVID-19

Texas A&M AgriLife logo
March 4, 2020

Elderly emergency care during weather, fire events

Plan now, decrease stress during emergencies

Texas A&M AgriLife logo
July 11, 2019

AgriLife Extension reminding Texans to be prepared during hurricane season

Texas A&M AgriLife logo
June 18, 2019

Don’t forget to include pets in family emergency, disaster planning

Texas A&M AgriLife logo
May 1, 2019

As hurricane season looms, AgriLife Extension offers preparedness instruction

Texas A&M AgriLife logo
September 14, 2018

AgriLife Extension: Texans should prepare for flooding, high winds

Texas A&M AgriLife logo
September 7, 2018

AgriLife Extension supports National Preparedness Month

Texas A&M AgriLife logo
June 20, 2018

Coastal forecast should remind Texans to be vigilant, prepared for floods

Texas A&M AgriLife logo
May 28, 2018

AgriLife Extension offers hurricane preparedness, recovery information

Texas A&M AgriLife logo
May 18, 2018

Residents, AgriLife Extension, others work to ‘Harvey-proof’ Houston-area community

Texas A&M AgriLife logo
September 8, 2017

AgriLife Extension supporting National Preparedness Month efforts in Texas

Texas A&M AgriLife logo
August 24, 2017

Texans should prepare for flooding, high winds from Harvey

Texas A&M AgriLife logo
June 7, 2017

Don’t forget to include animals when preparing for emergencies

Texas A&M AgriLife logo
May 11, 2017

AgriLife Extension promoting hurricane preparation for livestock, equine owners

Texas A&M AgriLife logo
May 10, 2017

AgriLife Extension helping promote National Hurricane Awareness Week in Texas

Texas A&M AgriLife logo
September 23, 2016

Planning, practice are vital to emergency, disaster preparation

Texas A&M AgriLife logo
May 11, 2016

AgriLife Extension supporting National Hurricane Preparedness Week

Texas A&M AgriLife logo
October 30, 2015

AgriLife Extension can help Texans prepare for, recover from natural disasters

Texas A&M AgriLife logo
October 22, 2015

Wildfire maps in the hands of landowners could be a management tool