Soil and Crop Sciences

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October 11, 2023

Space biology and the out-of-this-world exploration of plant stress

Texas A&M AgriLife plant scientist joins a NASA-funded project to help understand how plants grow away from Earth

October 6, 2023

New AgriLife Extension small grains specialist returns to Department of Soil and Crop Sciences

Brandon Gerrish will oversee small grains and oilseed trials across Texas

September 22, 2023

Anderson hired to address crop diseases in the High Plains

New Texas A&M AgriLife plant pathologist sets up program in Amarillo

September 19, 2023

Changing the world through the science of soil

Julie Howe’s mission to explore and advance agricultural solutions

August 29, 2023

Two Texas A&M AgriLife scientists recognized as Kika De La Garza Science Fellows

Fellowship offers opportunity to learn, promote agricultural and natural resource research and innovation

August 23, 2023

Crossing a new frontier in hardy hibiscus breeding

Novel coral-flowering hibiscus hybrid developed by Texas A&M AgriLife Research breeder

Texas A&M AgriLife
August 17, 2023

Texas statewide soil health research to benefit farmers, economic return

Texas A&M AgriLife Research, MyLand Company Inc. collaboration addresses global agricultural challenges

June 21, 2023

Wheat breeding students across U.S. receive Texas drone training

Texas A&M AgriLife leads WheatCAP efforts to improve phenomics data, build UAS hub

June 9, 2023

Texas A&M AgriLife’s public breeding program releases new wheat, triticale varieties

Increase in seed production from Texas A&M AgriLife Foundation Seed to potentially reach farmers in 2024

Texas A&M AgriLife in white against a maroon background
April 13, 2023

National and international agriculture leader Edward Runge dies

‘One of the most visible agronomists of the 20th century’

April 7, 2023

Students find education outside the classroom through work experience

Department of Soil and Crop Sciences allows students to dig into the industry, explore potential careers and find their passions

Two people guiding a tractor-mounted drill into the ground
February 28, 2022

Deep soil testing offers producers opportunity to reduce input costs

Accounting for in-soil nitrogen can offset some high fertilizer expenses

December 13, 2021

Sarah Kezar: The fight to protect millions of acres of U.S. farmland

Video: Palmer amaranth is a highly adaptable weed that poses a seemingly impossible threat to farmers

Texas A&M AgriLife logo
July 28, 2021

MRIs on crop roots open new doors for agriculture

Scientists examine plant roots to make improvements, enhance water-use efficiency

June 25, 2017

New Texas A&M AgriLife sweetclover variety released

Texas A&M AgriLife logo
May 10, 2016

Mild winter could result in more spring wheat in South Texas

Lack of cold left wheat without any grain

sorghum growing in rows in a field
November 2, 2015

New dual-purpose bioenergy, forage crop set for release by AgriLife Research next year

A downturn in the bioenergy industry has led one Texas A&M AgriLife Researcher to reach to new heights in the forage biomass arena.