AgriLife Extension agent positions filled in Potter, Oldham counties
Writer: Kay Ledbetter, 806-677-5608, [email protected]
Contact: Austin Voyles, 806-373-0713, [email protected]
Amanda Spiva, 806-267-2692, [email protected]
AMARILLO – The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service has made a few changes in the agriculture and natural resources agent positions for Oldham and Potter counties, said Brandon Dukes, AgriLife Extension district administrator in Amarillo.

Austin Voyles, who has spent the last two years serving Oldham County, has moved east one county to fill the Potter County vacancy, and Amanda Spiva has been hired as the new agent in Oldham County.
Voyles moved into the Potter County office June 22, and Spiva’s first day is July 6. She will be going through the AgriLife Extension’s month-long First Step training program in Deaf Smith County.
“We are excited that our organization has attracted both of these individuals,” Dukes said. “We are pleased that Austin will continue to share his talent and experience in Potter County, and know that Amanda will do a fantastic job working in Oldham County to address important issues in the areas of agriculture and 4-H youth development.”
Voyles, a native of Cotton Center, earned his bachelor’s degree from Texas Tech University and his master’s degree from West Texas A&M University, both in animal science.
“The opportunities that await me in Potter County are immense, to say the least,” Voyles said. “I am extremely excited about the chance for our office to become the center of agriculture producer education throughout the High Plains region. When you add to that the great future of the Potter County Master Gardeners and my involvement with young people through 4-H livestock projects, ‘excited’ does not begin to describe my emotions.”

Spiva is a native of Ponder. She also earned her bachelor’s degree from Texas Tech University and her master’s degree from West Texas A&M, both in animal science.
“I look forward to offering both the youth and the adults some opportunities and technologies they may not be familiar with in Oldham County,” Spiva said.
She said she will use her 12 years of experience in 4-H through her collegiate years to bring judging teams to the 4-H youth, to compliment the programs that already have strong participation.
Additionally, Spiva said she looks forward to meeting with both the youth and the adults and asking them what they want and need from AgriLife Extension.
“I’m excited to follow my passion of helping others and teaching through AgriLife Extension,” she said.